Public schools - T
Our school portal has been used by hundreds of teachers and thousands of students across the United States and around the world as an effective language-learning tool both in classrooms and thru remote learning.
Please note, our school website is a separate portal specifically designed for teachers in mind.
First Step:
Get a price quote here. Enter the number of students and languages. We can provide quotes up to a million students. After requesting, you should receive your quote within 48 hours.
Second Step:
The second stage is the free trial period. If you like your price quote and want to give it a try, you can have 14 days to test our language learning portal. During this time you will have the full access, and can add teachers, classrooms and students, and start teaching.
Third Step:
Our address for POs and checks:
Dino Lingo Inc.
30 Broad St. 14TH FL. #1454
New York, NY 10004