Charter School Ordering Process

Charter schools can now conveniently purchase subscriptions directly on our website for their families or students. Our gift subscriptions are one-time purchases without auto-renewals, available at an annual price of $199.

Payment options include credit or debit cards, ACH direct bank payments, and other methods.

Here's how to purchase a subscription:

Step 1: Visit our website and click "Buy as a gift" on the footer, or click here to enter your payment information.

Step 2: Next, you will be automatically directed to a simple form where you can enter the gift recipient's details. Not redirected? Enter here.

Step 3: Once we receive your gift-form, we will promptly create the student's account. We'll send a welcome email to the parent and a delivery confirmation to you.

Thank you for choosing Dinolingo for your charter school families!

Step 1: Enter your payment info here.

Step 2: Enter your client's info here.

After payment, pls fill the simple form

Step 3: That's it. We will send a welcome email to your client and cc you (within 48 hours).

Step 4: You can download your invoice or receipt at anytime at the Customer Portal.

  1. ACH Bank transfers.

a) Please ask our bank information

b) After sending the wire, pls fill the form here for each family:

  1. Purchase Order (PO) —-> DISCONTINUED

As of Feb 8 2024 —> We no longer accepting Purchase orders from charter schools fro individual families. .

Please note: When ordering via Purchase Order (PO), please diligently ensure that no details such as a child's name, email, parent's name, home address, or phone number are included. Thank you for adhering to this vital privacy guideline.

​To establish an order, we require only the following minimal, non-PII details:

1. Parent’s Email: To facilitate communication and send course-related information.

2. Desired Language Course: To customize the learning experience for the child.

  1. All language course orders are billed annually at a rate of $199 per language, per student.

Our information:

Dino Lingo Inc. 

30 Broad St. #1454 

New York, NY 10004

Download Dinolingo W9 form here.

Purchase Order (PO) process:

Email your PO to with the fields above. Please do NOT enter child's name, parent's name, child's email address and parent's mailing address. We only need two things; parent's email address and the language course.

  1. We will create an invoice and email it to you.
  2. We will create a subscription for the student and email them the login information.

Upon receiving the invoice, you can pay it online or send a check within 30 days (Net 30) to our address below.

p.s. Dinolingo only offers one year subscription packages for schools, no monthly or quarterly subscriptions available.

Go to our Stripe Customer Portal to see your previous invoices.

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