Chrome: Printing Flashcards, Double Image or Text. Google Chrome

Browser: Google Chrome

We've identified an issue with some Flashcards, specifically starting from Unit 26 (numbers 1-20). When you click on the print icon, double images and sometimes double text may appear on the flashcards.

​Immediate Solutions:

  1. Download Before Printing: Rather than clicking on the print icon directly, we suggest you first click on the download icon, save the flashcards, and then proceed to print them. This should bypass the issue.
  2. Browser Alternatives: Utilize a different browser, such as Safari or Microsoft Edge, to potentially mitigate the problem.

Our Long-Term Solution:

Our content team is well-aware of this issue and is diligently working on a resolution. Given that this has occurred across numerous languages involving thousands of flashcards, we are reconstructing new flashcards from scratch, which is a long process. Our goal is to implement this fix by year’s end.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work towards rectifying this matter.

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