Families with more than four (4) children

We understand that some of our customers have larger families with more than four children and are looking for ways to effectively use Dinolingo.

Currently, our website and app support a maximum of four users per account. We apologize for any inconvenience this limitation may cause.

For families with more than four children, here are some options:

1. Shared Profiles for Younger Children: Some families choose to have their younger children share a profile. This is particularly effective when the main activity is watching videos and individual test reports are not essential.

2. Purchasing an Additional Family Subscription: If individual profiles for each child are important, you could consider obtaining a second family subscription with a different email address.

3. School Subscription for Larger Families: Our school subscription, though primarily designed for classroom use, could be an alternative. It requires initial setup, including creating classroom, teacher, and student accounts. The cost is $280 per year for up to 10 students or $460 for up to 20 students.

We hope one of these solutions will work for your family's needs. Thank you for choosing Dinolingo.

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