Student, Teacher and School Data

At Dinolingo we prioritize the privacy and security of our users, especially students, and adhere to strict data protection practices. Here are key points to emphasize:

  1. No Sale of Data: Rest assured, we do not sell customer data to any third parties. Your data is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
  2. Minimal Student Data: We prioritize student privacy and, as such, we refrain from collecting full names, phone numbers, or email addresses from students. We do not gather any personal information that could identify a student.
  3. No Student Input: To maintain a secure environment, students are not permitted to enter any data into our system. This safeguard is in place to prevent the accidental disclosure of personal information.
  4. Teacher-Controlled Unique IDs: Only teachers have the authority to add a Unique Student ID number, which can be in any format, such as "z3#4fftRRw." This ID system allows for student identification without compromising privacy.
  5. No Chats or Social Media Interactions: Our Dinolingo platform does not include chatrooms or social media interactions between students, ensuring a focused and secure learning environment.
  6. No Advertising: We do not allow any form of advertisements or product promotional links on our platform, ensuring a distraction-free experience.

Your privacy is our top priority, and we are committed to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for all our users.

See our privacy policy

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